W H A T  I S  B I R T H  C O A C H I N G ?

Having a baby is one of the most challenging and rewarding events that you can go through in life. You don’t have to do it alone! Many times when women get pregnant, you know that you should be getting ready, maybe reading books, going to a class or two, but past that… just wing it?? No!

I have created an 8 session program that will get you and your partner ready physically, emotionally, and mentally for labor, birth and postpartum. I walk you through all that you should learn, practice, consider, buy, read, decide, think about and plan for for your upcoming birth. You may ask, isn’t this basically childbirth education? Yes and no. Coaching takes childbirth education to the next level. You get access to my childbirth and coping classes, but then get to apply what you learned in your class to your unique person, pregnancy, and relationship in a holistic way. In addition, when you have questions arise throughout your pregnancy related to childbirth education, I am a resource to answer those questions and help you navigate discovering your best decisions for your labor and birth. 

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